Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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FCC to Allow Auction Entry for Coops

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has ruled that coops can have access to Connect American Funds (CAF), which are meant to promote broadband in rural areas.  The FCC agreed, at the NRECA’s suggestion, that coops may satisfy the auction program’s technical qualifications by providing evidence of their capabilities to operate transmission or distribution systems.  The FCC...

Great River Energy and NRECA Co-Sponsor Research Regarding Underutilized Energy Storage Resources

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and Great River Energy co-sponsored a research study that showed that residential electric water heaters can serve as energy storage for wind or solar power, increasing efficiency, better integrating renewable energy and saving customers money.  The large capacity water heaters can be enabled to make immediate use of wind or...

NRECA Asking Regulators to Exempt Coop Truck Drivers

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) has asked regulators to exempt drivers of coop utility trucks from new standards that could subject them to the same entry-level training rules as drivers of 18-wheelers and other trucks.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration proposed the new regulations on March 4.

Sixth Circuit Agrees to Review EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit has agreed to review EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule. The controversial rule has been criticized on the grounds that it would extend EPA’s regulatory authority to small streams and dry creek beds.  According to Dorothy Kellogg, NRECA senior principal, the rule will result in more expensive permits for coops attempting to maintain or construct...

NRECA to Help Design Software to Cost-Effectively Improve Grid Resiliency

With a $1.8 million grant from the Department of Energy, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) will help develop software designed to identify the most cost-effective upgrades that utilities can make to improve grid resiliency in order to reduce economic losses caused by weather-related power outages.

Great River Energy and Other Cooperatives Join Grid Stability Research Project

Great River Energy and other cooperatives in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) are researching ways to increase grid flexibility in order to integrate more intermittent distributed renewable energy resources. NRECA plans to create a water heater controller and a smart circuit breaker capable of controlling plug-in appliances with the hope of making load...

House Resolves to Overturn EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.” Rule

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a resolution to overturn the “Waters of the U.S.” rule issued last year by the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers.  The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association praised the resolution, as coops nationwide have expressed concern over the rule’s dramatic expansion of federal regulation of waterways.

NRECA Suggests Changes to Clean Power Plan’s “Safety Valve”

The NRECA filed a petition on December 21 requesting that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) include a more robust “safety valve” in its Clean Power Plan to allow power providers relief from emissions standards in the event that those standards will have adverse effects on reliability.  The EPA’s plan does include a “safety valve,” but the current structure may be insufficient...

Coops Challenge Clean Power Plan

NRECA and dozens of electric cooperatives have filed suit challenging the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (Plan).  The Plan was published in the Federal Register and, therefore, became open to legal challenge on October 23 and is set to take effect on December 23.

Solar Shortages Threaten Cooperative Utility Projects

Shortages of solar panel equipment are expected in 2016, with lead times of up to six months for larger orders.  Dan Danley, contract technical liaison with NRECA’s Business and Technology Strategies unit, has been warning utilities to plan ahead to avoid solar project delays.  The projected shortages are the result of increased demand for solar equipment driven in part by a 30 percent...

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