Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Washington State’s 2020 Mandate for Alternative Energy in Question

Crosscut (Seattle) reports on the difficulties in meeting Washington State’s mandate that 15 percent of its electricity come from alternative sources by 2020.  Among other industry groups, Washington Rural Electric Cooperative Association had originally opposed the mandate.

$76 Million Wind Project Moving Forward in Vermont; Coops to Buy Electricity

The largest wind project in Vermont has received $76 million in financing.  When complete, the 40 megawatt project will supply power to Vermont Electric Cooperative and the Washington Electric Cooperative, as well as the Burlington Electric Department.

Socorro Coop Uses New Technology to Thwart Copper Thieves

Life is getting more difficult for copper thieves.  The El Defensor Chieftain reports on a new copper-clad steel product that Socorro Electric Cooperative is using at a new $6 million substation.  The product, used in place of copper wire, has similar performance but much less salvage value.

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative to Buy Credits From Landfill Plant

The Virginia cooperative has announced plans to purchase all the credits to power and energy from a landfill gas-to-energy generation plant (6.4 MW) in Richmond.

Spotlight on Novi Energy LLC

Crain’s Detroit Business has an article on Novi Energy LLC, an energy consulting and alternative-energy facility development company.  Among other projects, Novi is working with Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative on a 49.95-MW biomass plant, which runs on “slash” (i.e., discarded and burned tree parts).

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