Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Nueces Electric Cooperative Prepares for Tropical Storm Don

As the storm approaches south Texas, Nueces Electric Cooperative is implementing its Emergency Response Plan.   The coop’s plan includes organizing the resources that may be necessary for repairs and prioritizing which transmission lines and substations should be serviced first.   TEC Crisis Communications has more on this story.

Flood Damage to Vermont Coop’s Offices Should Not Raise Rates

Customers of Washington Electric Cooperative (WEC) will not face extra charges to pay for recent flood damage to a WEC office building. WEC representatives stated that damage caused by the May 26 flood waters will primarily be covered by insurance, and customers need not worry about disconnection due to delayed payments or rate increases. The coop is working to mitigate the customer...

Storms Hit Close to Home for Vermont Coop

Washington Electric Cooperative in Vermont has experience with restoring the power of customers affected by storms, floods, and other inclement weather. However, last week, the entire ground floor of the coop’s headquarters in East Montpelier was flooded during the heavy rains that hit the area. The coop is asking customers to limit calls to very important matters as it restores its...

Missouri Tornadoes Impact Coop Power Distribution

The disastrous weather system that spawned severe storms and deadly tornadoes and spread destruction across portions of Missouri and six other states between May 21 and 23 has also affected area coops’ ability to distribute power.  New-Mac Electric Cooperative, a Neosho, Missouri-based coop, reported more than 4,000 of its nearly 17,000 meters out of service.  Many of the outages were...

Coop Cybersecurity Guidelines Released by NRECA

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) has released a cybersecurity guide for utilities and others to use to protect power grid infrastructure from cyber attacks. The guide was developed with the help of the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology and contains tools such as self-assessments and checklists that intend to create a...

Roundtable Discussion Addresses Coops’ Uncertainty

Executives from five coops participated in an EnergyBiz Leadership Roundtable to discuss the challenges they face in providing reliable and affordable power to customers in an era of increasing regulation. Representatives from distribution, generation and transmission coops located throughout the country were in attendance. Participants cited uncertainty as a major concern for the...

Alabama Coop Makes Progress Restoring Power to Customers

According to The Daily Sentinel, Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative has been able to restore power to around 5,000 of its customers.   The coop continues to work with crews from around southeast to restore power for 2,300 more customers, but efforts may take up to five days.

North Dakota, Montana Join Much of the Country in Struggle With Weather-Related Power Outages

Rural towns in Montana and North Dakota are expected to be left in the dark for weeks after an outage that started around midnight on Friday, according to Montana-Dakota Utilities. Utilities in the area, including several coops such as Mountrail-Williams Electric, have been working at a furious pace to keep up with the downed transmission lines caused by storms. More on the costs and...

Coops Working Hard to Restore Power After Alabama Storms

The Montgomery Advertiser reported that coop repair crews are traveling from other states to assist with the restoration efforts in Alabama.  As many as 230,000 customers from thirteen different coops are without power across the state.

Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative Completes Transmission Project 20 Years in the Making

The Oregon cooperative completed its three-phase, 52-mile project, and it expects that the project will greatly improve the reliability of its system. The project was completed for $8 million, which is $4 million below budget. Electric Co-op Today has the full story.

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