Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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FERC Launches New Cybersecurity Office

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is creating a new office to address cyber and physical security risks to FERC-jurisdictional facilities, such as electric generation and transmission facilities, oil and gas pipelines, and LNG terminals. The new Office of Energy Infrastructure Security (OEIS) will rely on FERC’s existing statutory authority in providing “leadership,...

NRECA Recommends Approval of Revised “Bulk Electric System” Definition

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) recently submitted a filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) (Docket Nos. RM12-6, RM12-7) supporting the revised definition of the term “Bulk Electric System” as approved by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in January.  The NRECA noted that the revised definition would better focus...

Georgia Coops to Help Restore Power after Hurricane

Georgia coops are swooping in to assist the Gulf Coast’s power restoration efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac.  Experienced power crews from eight electric coops are being sent to parts of Mississippi and possibly Louisiana to help restore power in the areas hardest hit.  Read more here.

NERC Audit Draws Concern

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved a staff audit of the expenses of its certified electric reliability organization, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).  The coop community has expressed concerns that this oversight by FERC will hamper NERC’s  ability to do its job.  Click here for more.

Coop Group Announces Construction of Gas-Fired Plant

The Mid-Kansas Electric Company (Mid-Kansas), an entity comprised of five coops and one subsidiary, plans to construct a new 110-MW, gas-fired generating facility near Ulysses, Kansas.  The plant will cost approximately $130 million and is estimated to be in commercial operation by April 2014.  Mid-Kansas will use the facility to benefit from the future Southwest Power Pool Day 2...

NRECA Asks EPA to Tweak Standards for Small Emergency Generators

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and a number of coops argued to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that fine-tuning the standards for small emergency generators could help coops ensure that the flow of electricity to rural America remains steady and reliable.  The August 9 comments will likely be the final opportunity in writing to influence EPA’s...

Pennsylvania Coop to Use $40 Million in Loans for Grid Upgrades

The Adams Electric Cooperative, which serves counties in southeastern Pennsylvania, plans to use $40 million in low-interest loans recently awarded from the federal government to build and improve 200 miles of distribution line and to upgrade several substations.  A portion of the money will also go to smart grid projects, such as the installation of automated switches that will allow...

Federal Entities Face Monetary Penalties for Reliability Standards Violations

As reported by Sutherland attorneys in a July 24 Legal Alert, federal entities, such as power marketing administrations, may be assessed monetary penalties for violating the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Reliability Standards. Read more about FERC’s groundbreaking order here.

Iowa Coop to Receive $4.7 Million in Disaster Aid

Hawkeye Rural Electric Cooperative has been awarded $4.7 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.  Hawkeye is proposing to repair 142.7 miles of overhead electrical distribution lines damaged by storms, tornadoes and heavy rains that hit the state in 2008.  Read more here.

Government Push for Grid Upgrades Receives Pushback from Coops

Several Montana-based coops called on the Secretary of the Department of Energy to withdraw a federal plan to upgrade portions of the nation’s power grid.  The plan aims to move more renewable energy from rural areas like Montana to load centers like those found in California.  The coops fear that the costs to modernize the grid will unfairly fall to rural communities, resulting in...

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