Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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TVA Rates for Coops 13 Percent Above Average

Michael Watson, president of Shelbyville, Tennessee-based Duck River Electric Membership Corporation (DREMC), told the board of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that the rates DREMC pays TVA for the power it distributes are 13 percent higher than the average wholesale rate that distribution coops pay.  Click here for more.

New Power Supply Contract a Triple Win in New Mexico

Under a new eight-year power supply contract, the city of Gallup, New Mexico, will purchase power from Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, which in turn will purchase power from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association (Tri-State).  The resale arrangement makes everyone a winner.  Gallup is positioned to receive competitively priced power while offsetting costs for...

Sioux City Approves Franchise Fee Settlement

As cities across Iowa face lawsuits over allegedly excessive franchise fees, Sioux City, Iowa, has agreed to settle and absorb the cost of nearly $6.5 million in refunds to be paid to residents who were overcharged for franchise fees on their utility bills.  The Sioux City settlement agreement stems from a 2006 class action lawsuit filed by those who paid franchise fees for gas or...

Utilities Feel Effects of Rail Disruptions

On April 10, representatives for companies that rely on rail shipments appeared at a Surface Transportation Board (STB) hearing to highlight the problems that recent rail shipment disruptions have caused in their industries and to ask STB to take steps to reduce these disruptions.  In the utility sector, delays in shipping coal could lead to higher costs for energy or a decrease in...

North Dakota Sees Rapid Electric Coop Growth

North Dakota’s rural economic development is being sparked by the state’s oil and gas boom, which is benefiting electric coops.  The Public Service Commission in the state has now approved two additional units for a Basin Electric Power Cooperative power plant.  These two units will add 90 MW of capacity by late 2014, a much needed step towards keeping up with the unprecedented load...

New Mexico City to Receive Power from Coop

The City of Gallup, New Mexico, will buy its wholesale power from Continental Divide Electric Cooperative (CDEC) after its City Council voted unanimously to award CDEC an eight-year contract.  Four other bidders sought the contract, and Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM)  has been Gallup’s provider for more than 50 years.  Gallup will save about $6.4 million during the first...

Creditors and Bankrupt Coop Reach Agreement

Southern Montana Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative, which filed for bankruptcy almost three years ago, and its creditors recently agreed to terms that would keep rates at current levels, involve the sale of idle generation assets near Great Falls, Montana, and allow the coop’s four smaller member coops to break up after four years.  The agreement must still be approved...

Coops Urge EPA to Expand Uses of Coal Ash Considered Safe

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has already recognized the benefits of certain uses of coal ash, and electric coops are now asking the EPA to conclude that it is safe for other uses.  John Novak, Executive Director for Environmental Issues for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, has stated that the EPA “can do more to promote other beneficial uses of...

Kentucky PSC Approves Environmental Upgrades

The Kentucky Public Service Commission (PSC) approved a $15 million project to reduce emissions at a coal-fired generation plant owned by East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC).  EKPC will recover the costs of the project via an environmental surcharge paid by the customers of EKPC’s distribution cooperative members.  The Kentucky PSC found that the upgrades will provide EKPC with...

Minnesota Coop Members Allowed to Pre-Purchase Energy

Lake Region Electric Cooperative, based in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, is investing in a community solar initiative through a program that gives its members the chance to buy part of the solar output from the HQ Prairie solar project built at the coop’s headquarters.  Participation in the program was offered to members on a voluntary, market-based basis, which the coop hopes will keep...

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