Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Montana Coop Refuses to Pay Umbrella Organization’s Rate Hikes

Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative (YVEC), which is Southern Montana Electric Transmission and Generation Cooperative’s largest member, is refusing to pay for recent rate increases and fees imposed by Southern.  YVEC, a Huntley-based cooperative, is one of five rural cooperatives, along with the city of Great Falls, that are members of Billings-based Southern. YVEC represents 32...

Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association Members Warned of Rate Hike

At the annual meeting last Thursday, Illinois-based Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association Board President Paul Pyatt and Executive Vice President/General Manager Jim Riddle explained that a rate increase likely would occur when Prairie State Energy Campus comes online.  The new energy campus will help provide energy for a load that Pyatt and Riddle say has almost doubled in the...

Coop’s Possible Electric Service Purchase May Reduce Rates

The City of Dover is considering selling its electric service to the Delaware Electric Cooperative. The sale may reduce electric bills in Dover by 25 percent due to the Coop’s rate structure and help boost economic growth in the surrounding county. Click here for details.

Coop Spokesman Critical of Georgia Watch Report on Cost of Coal-Fired Plant

A coop spokesman questioned the findings of a recent report, released by Georgia Watch, a consumer advocacy organization, which concludes that the proposed, coal-fired Plant Washington could cause rates to increase if the plant is built.  The report’s conclusions are based in part on projections of rising construction costs and new regulations on coal plants.  The plan to build the...

Members of a Texas Cooperative May See 2012 Rate Increase

At its annual meeting, Farmers Electric Cooperative (FEC) announced a probable rate increase in 2012 due to a new natural gas plant and heightened delivery costs associated with a new rail contract for coal. Three directors were also re-elected at the annual meeting, and nuclear power was named FEC’s likely generation resource for the future to serve increasing member demand. The...

Flood Damage to Vermont Coop’s Offices Should Not Raise Rates

Customers of Washington Electric Cooperative (WEC) will not face extra charges to pay for recent flood damage to a WEC office building. WEC representatives stated that damage caused by the May 26 flood waters will primarily be covered by insurance, and customers need not worry about disconnection due to delayed payments or rate increases. The coop is working to mitigate the customer...

Kentucky Coop Seeks Rate Hike

  The Commonwealth Journal has a detailed story on a recent request for a rate hike by a Kentucky coop, which cites a period of low growth and pressures from new environmental regulatory requirements on coal generation plants.  

Load Growth and Rising Commodity Prices May Lead a North Dakota Coop to Increase Rates

Roughrider Electric Cooperative Inc. projects that demand will grow by 10 percent per year for the next five years.  Based on this projection, the coop is investing in additional generation and transmission facilities to meet its members’ future needs.  According to the executive team, higher commodity prices will significantly increase the construction costs of the new facilities and ...

U.S. Supreme Court Affirms $345 Million Payment to Coops

On May 16, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear BNSF Railway Company’s appeal of a 2009 Surface Transportation Board decision, which required BNSF to pay $345 million to Basin Electric Power Cooperative, based in Bismarck, North Dakota; other participants in the Missouri Basin Power Project; and a fuel supply cooperative. A federal appeals court previously affirmed the board’s...

Oklahoma Coop Introducing Time-of-Use Rates

This June, Oklahoma Electric Cooperative will begin phasing in time-of-use rates for residential and small commercial customers. In an effort to manage long-term costs, Oklahoma Electric will introduce peak and off-peak rates over the next five years to allow customers to adjust their usage to the new pricing scheme. Read more.

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