Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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G&T Coops Feel the Sting of Low Natural Gas Prices

Natural gas prices have hit record lows, a trend that likely will not change any time soon due to the mild winter and the glut of domestic supply.  This may be good news to some.  However, generation and transmission coops – which generate only 12 percent of their electricity from natural gas – are now facing the rare challenge of seeing their mainstay coal units edged out by currently...

Missouri Coop Becomes CFC’s Latest 100 Percent Borrower

The National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC) has closed a $133 million transaction for Missouri-based White River Valley Electric Cooperative (WRVEC).  As a result of the deal, WRVEC has become CFC’s latest 100 percent borrower.  WRVEC’s board of directors reportedly backed the move because it will result in significant savings to the coop and will ensure flexible...

Alaskan Healy Clean Coal Project Approved

Alaska’s Department of Environmental Conservation renewed a key air quality permit to restart a mothballed 50-MW coal power plant in interior Alaska.  Environmental groups that oppose restarting the plant are expected to file appeals before the permit is finalized.  The plant, owned by Golden Valley Electric Association, an electric coop, may reduce rates to interior Alaska customers...

South Carolina Energy Providers Promote Economic Development

A coalition of South Carolina energy providers, including the state-owned utility Santee Cooper and 20 coops, are implementing a new rate-cutting strategy to increase job growth in the state.  The plan will reduce rates during “peak” periods for new and expanding industries that create a certain number of jobs or make a comparable monetary investment.  Interested industrial customers...

Oregon Coop Looks to Change State Law

Umatilla Electric Cooperative hopes to change a 2007 state law to avoid raising customer rates to meet a state-mandated renewable energy portfolio.  Currently Umatilla is a “small” energy provider under the law, but an increase in large customers, particularly Internet data centers, may force the coop into the “large” category.  Umatilla would face approximately $40 million in added...

NRECA Asks FERC to Reconsider Order Against Iowa Coop

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reconsider a recent order, which requires Midland Power Cooperative, based in Jefferson, Iowa, to obtain FERC’s authorization before disconnecting retail service to a local couple. The coop initiated the disconnection when the couple, who operate a small wind turbine in the...

Vermont Electric Cooperative Pursues Power Deal with Seabrook Nuclear Plant

Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) has expressed interest in entering a 20-year power purchase agreement with a NextEra Energy nuclear power plant in Seabrook, New Hampshire.  The Vermont Public Service Board and the VEC board of directors must approve the purchase before the parties can go forward with the agreement.  The contract would be for 16 to 17 percent of VEC’s annual energy...

Power Companies Fight Rate Increase From Coal Premium

Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. is one of several power companies and related organizations contesting BNSF Railway Company’s cost allocation methodology, which increases rates of coal transporters in order to pay an investor premium. Opponents claim the $8.1 billion premium should not be included in the valuation of BNSF’s assets and, thus, should not factor into rates. Click here...

Wisconsin Coop Gears Up For New Mercury Rules

Dairyland Power Cooperative is working to meet new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that would limit emissions of toxic air pollutants at power plants. The coop’s $400 million plan will install pollution controls at two coal-fired plants. In general, coops face a three-year compliance deadline, with some flexibility for states to grant an additional year. The costs...

Colorado Coop’s Proposed Rate Structure Meets Protest

A new rate structure proposed by Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) will increase costs to its residential customers. The plan would raise monthly base charges by 60 percent in order to pay higher rates imposed by DMEA’s wholesale power supplier. Critics of the proposed rate structure say it will negate investments made in energy use efficiency and unfairly allocate costs to...

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