Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Utility Coop Reaches Critical Supply Agreement

Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) and BP Exploration have reached a natural gas supply contract, which will allow GVEA to purchase up to 23 billion cubic feet (bcf) of natural gas per year.  Since GVEA will likely not use more than 3.5 bcf of natural gas for local generation, the remaining gas will be available for other distribution purposes.  The agreement represents an...

Prairie State Customers Paying More than Planned

Customers receiving energy from the Prairie State Energy Campus in Washington County, Illinois, are being charged 40 to 100 percent more for energy than originally planned.  Approximately 95 percent of the 1,600-MW coal-fired plant is owned by 217 municipalities and 17 electric membership cooperatives in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia and West...

Vermont Utility Merger May Lead to Higher Rates for Coop

A merger between Central Vermont Public Service Corporation and Canadian-owned Green Mountain Power , Vermont’s two largest power companies, may cause retail rates to rise at one of Vermont’s smallest utilities, Washington Electric Cooperative (Washington Electric).  The merger will produce a new, higher transmission charge, which Washington Electric estimates will be about...

Kentucky Aluminum Plant Notifies Big Rivers of Contract Termination

Century Aluminum Company (Century) has decided to terminate its power contract with Big Rivers Electric Corporation (Big Rivers) for Century’s 480-MW aluminum smelter in Hawesville, Kentucky.  Closure of the smelter, which is one of the possible outcomes of ending the power contract, has great implications for all in the area.  Not only would it affect the 700 employees of the plant,...

Rate Increase for New Mexico Coop Customers on the Horizon

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) approved a controversial rights-of-way agreement which will result in a rate increase for customers of Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative. The PRC and members of the public had previously raised concerns that Native American tribes and other pueblos had not been properly notified of the negotiations leading up to the agreement. The...

PRC and New Mexico Coop Face Off over Internet Spin Off

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (Kit Carson) is pushing back against the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) order to spin off the coop’s subsidiary Internet business.  In September 2011, the PRC approved a rate increase for Kit Carson but ordered the coop to create a separate internet company within nine months based on potential liabilities associated with the its Internet...

New Mexico Coop Likely to Raise Rates in Response to Financial Strains

Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative may have to raise rates to cover deals it made years ago with local tribes for right-of-way easements for transmission lines that cross the property of eight pueblos and two tribes.  The coop is facing another financial strain – it has only a month’s worth of cash left in the bank and is in default on $29 million owed to two lenders.  The New...

Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Seeks Rate Increase

Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation has submitted a request to the Arkansas Public Service Commission to increase its wholesale rates by five percent to cover the costs of two new power plants and other costs (which would total $33.4 million).  If approved, the new wholesale rate would increase an average customer’s electric bill by $1.50 per month. Click here for additional...

Government Push for Grid Upgrades Receives Pushback from Coops

Several Montana-based coops called on the Secretary of the Department of Energy to withdraw a federal plan to upgrade portions of the nation’s power grid.  The plan aims to move more renewable energy from rural areas like Montana to load centers like those found in California.  The coops fear that the costs to modernize the grid will unfairly fall to rural communities, resulting in...

Alaska Coop to Reduce Costs With New Fuel Delivery Boats

Anchorage-based Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) christened two sets of tugs and barges, which will help the coop cut fuel costs.  AVEC serves 54 remote villages and spends more than half of its gross revenue on diesel fuel for generation.  AVEC entered into a long-term delivery contract with Anchorage-based Vitus Marine, LLC (Vitus), agreeing to provide upfront costs for its...

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