Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Kentucky PSC Accepts Settlement in Big Sandy RECC Rate Case

The Kentucky Public Service Commission (PSC) accepted a proposed settlement in a rate adjustment case filed by Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation (Big Sandy RECC).  The agreement allows Big Sandy RECC to receive its requested 3.7 percent increase in annual revenue.  However, less of this increase will come from flat monthly customer charges and more will come from...

Nevada Coop Wins Bid to Supply Government Site

Valley Electric Association, Inc. recently won a bid to provide power to the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center—the former test site where hundreds of nuclear weapons were tested—and other facilities at the Nevada National Security Site.  The nearly 1,400-square-mile installation, one of the most secure government installations in the world, is larger than the state...

Louisiana PSC Approves Contract Extensions

The Louisiana Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved an 11-year contract extension for Louisiana Generating to provide power to two cooperatives, Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Claiborne) and Washington – St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WSTE), through 2025.  The two cooperatives combined have contracted for more than 450 megawatts of peak electrical power for...

Ninth Circuit Upholds Power Rate Contract

On October 16, the Ninth Circuit denied requests by utility cooperatives to review a power rate contract between Alcoa, Inc. (Alcoa) and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).  The coops argued that BPA was selling power to Alcoa at the statutorily mandated industrial firm power rate, thereby forgoing profits that could have been used to lower rates to its customers.  The Ninth Circuit...

Shippers Push Against Increased Coal Dust Costs

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) was among the filers opposing a BNSF Railway tariff that would cost shippers $50 to $150 million annually to control coal dust from rail cars.  In the filings, submitted to the Surface Transportation Board, opponents argued that these costs are unreasonable and result in double-payment obligations for shippers.  Read...

Mohave Electric Cooperative Explains Necessary Rate Increase

Mohave Electric Cooperative (MEC) has explained its recent rate increase, stating that it was necessary in order to accommodate increased operating expenses.  MEC’s new system has a tiered rate structure, which will yield a higher rate when more power is used, a practice commonly used by power companies.  Read more here.

Kentucky PSC Accepts Settlement in Big Rivers Environmental Case

The Kentucky Public Service Commission (Kentucky PSC) has accepted a regarding a proposed environmental compliance plan and environmental surcharge request submitted by Big Rivers Electric Corporation (Big Rivers).  Under the proposed plan, Big Rivers will not be required to construct the most costly emission control projects from its original plan, reducing the total cost from $283.5...

California ISO Approves Participation by Nevada Coop

The California Independent System Operator (California ISO) recently approved Nevada-based Valley Electric Association, Inc.’s (VEA) participation agreement to join the California ISO in January 2013.  VEA is the first utility outside of California to join the regional market.  The coop’s renewable generation portfolio will be used to satisfy California’s aggressive renewable energy...

FERC Receives Mixed Responses Over Proposed Change in Merchant Transmission Policy

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has received mixed responses over its proposed change in policy regarding merchant transmission project capacity allocation.  The proposed policy would allow merchant transmission project developers to bilaterally negotiate market-based, rather than cost-based, rates for up to 100 percent of their projects’ capacity.  If implemented, this...

Plan to Bury Transmission Lines Met With Opposition from Mid-Atlantic Coops

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative and North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation are among the wholesalers disputing whether they must help pay to bury three Virginia transmission lines as currently proposed by the Virginia Electric and Power Co. in transmission rate agreements with the wholesalers.  The wholesalers argue that burying the lines is a purely local retail decision...

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