Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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New Great River Energy CHP Plan Online

Minnesota-based Great River Energy’s (GRE) Spiritwood coal plant came online last month in North Dakota.  The combined heat and power plant is nearly twice as efficient as conventional coal plants.  In addition to generating power for GRE’s members, the plant will produce steam energy for an adjacent malting facility and a soon to open biorefinery.  Click here for more.

Great River Energy Burns Lignite More Efficiently

Minnesota-based Great River Energy (GRE) can now burn lignite coal more efficiently, thanks to a moisture-reduction process.  Because of its high moisture content, lignite has traditionally been used only at “mine-mouth” plants located close to a production source, but a newly-patented refining process allows lignite to produce more energy and to be transported before use.  Click here...

North Dakota Coop Plans Large Increase in Wind Power

Basin Electric Power Cooperative says that it will double the power it derives from wind energy by 2016.  Basin is expecting its load to grow by more than 1,883 megawatts by 2035. Currently, the coop has 712.7 megawatts of wind generation. Basin plans to purchase power from other generators to increase that number to 1,400 megawatts of wind generation over the next two years. The...

Tri-State Predicts Increased Load Growth

On Friday Tri-State Generation and Transmission (Tri-State) filed a resource plan update with state regulators, forecasting load growth at a rate that is faster than previously expected.  If growth occurs at such rates, Tri-State indicated that it would utilize several options to secure increased capacity and stated that it has made no firm commitments on timing, size or location of...

Biomass Plant Completed for Texas Coop

Gemma Power Systems, LLC has completed construction of a 49.9 MW biomass plant in Woodville, TX for East Texas Electric Cooperative (ETEC) Woodville Renewable Power Project. The biomass plant, which features a Shin Nippon steam turbine generator and a Riley Power advanced stoker boiler with integrated air quality control system, has completed testing and been turned over to ETEC for...

USDA Announces Efficiency Funding for Two Coops

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Utilities Service will provide $10.5 million in loans from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program to Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation and North Arkansas Electric Cooperative.  The funds will be used by members of the coops to invest in efficiency upgrades to their homes or businesses.  Click here to read...

Missouri Electric Coop Offers Members 18th Fastest Internet in U.S.

Co-Mo Connect, a Missouri internet service provider and subsidiary of Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, ranks 18th in the United States and 1st in the state of Missouri for speed of internet service provided.  Click here for more.

Basin Awards Supply Contract for Peaking Plant in North Dakota

Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin) and Wärtsilä have entered into an agreement for the supply of generation technology at Basin’s planned 112 MW peaking power plant in Williston, North Dakota.  To read more about this story, please click here.

North Carolina Coop’s Solar Farm to Provide Benefits to Members

Pee Dee Electric Cooperative has announced plans to install a 100-Kw community solar farm adjacent to its corporate headquarters.  The solar farm will produce about 150,000-kWh of electricity annually, and members of Pee Dee Electric will be able to purchase individual panels and sell the power produced by the panels back to the cooperative.  Members who participate in the project will...

Kentucky Coop Participates in a Collaborative Solar Project for Army Base

Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative has joined forces with the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, the Department of Defense at Fort Campbell and the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) to build a 5-Mw solar photovoltaic panel system at Fort Campbell.  The group’s plan would result in building the largest solar array in Kentucky.  Since forming the collaborative has accumulated...

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