Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Receives Top UTC Award

The Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) has awarded Kit Carson Electric Cooperative its highest honor, the 2015 Utilities Telecom & Technology APEX Award. Click here for more information.

Kentucky Public Service Commission Approves Methane Project

The Kentucky Public Service Commission has recently approved a new methane project at the Glasgow Regional Landfill (Landfill). The project, owned by the East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC), will generate electricity by capturing methane gas escaping from the Landfill.  EKPC hopes that the project will be operational by late September or early October.  Click here to read...

Appalachian Regional Commission Awards $500,000 Grant to Rural Electric Cooperative for Solar Project

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe recently announced the grant of $500,000 from the Appalachian Regional Commission ARC) to the BARC Electric Cooperative (BARCEC). The grant will help fund a new solar facility and learning center in rural Appalachia.  The facility will produce between 250 and 350 kilowatts of electricity—enough to provide power to approximately 60 residential...

G&T Cooperative Adds Solar Production Facilities

Illinois G&T Prairie Power has announced plans to construct two new solar power facilities. Jay Bartlett, CEO of Prairie Power, stated that the G&T is building the facilities in response to its members’ interest in renewable energy sources. Once completed, all of its nearly 80,000 members will be able to sign up to purchase power from the solar projects. Please click here to...

Natural Gas Production Takes the Edge off of Winter Electric Rates

Despite the fact that this winter has produced record cold temperatures across the country, the average price of residential electricity is projected to increase only 1 percent in 2015 compared to 3.1 percent in 2014. The slow-down in electricity cost inflation is due to an increase in natural gas production. Please click here to read more.

Survey Report: Less Concern of Distributed Generation in Utility Industry

According to media startup Utility Dive’s State of the Electric Utility 2015 Survey Report, many utilities have begun to see distributed generation as a growth opportunity rather than a disruption.  According to the report, 88 percent of respondents now view distributed generation as an opportunity, although 63 percent of those are not sure how to build their business around the...

Electric Cooperative Seeks to Reduce Credits Paid to Customers with Rooftop Solar Systems

“Net metering” is the process by which electric suppliers pay credits to customers with home photovoltaic systems that generate more power than the customer uses. An Arizona EMC, Trico Electric Cooperative, has asked the Arizona Corporation Commission to approve its proposal to lower the amount of these credits from 4.2 cents per kilowatt hour to 3.7 cents. Trico believes that the...

Solar Farm Generates More Power Than Initially Projected

The Colleton Solar Farm, located on a 15-acre site near Walterboro, South Carolina, completed its first year of commercial operations on December 20.  The solar farm generated about 5 percent more power than initially projected, which is believed to be due to placing more than 40 percent of the solar panels on pivotal mounts that track the sun as it moves across the sky.  Central...

Kentucky Cooperatives to Consider Merger

The executive committees of the boards of West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative and Hickman-Fulton Counties Rural Electric Cooperative met last week to consider the possibility of a merger.  The two cooperatives, which together serve 35,000 members, agreed to undertake a joint financial study to determine whether a merger would result in cost savings to members and protection of...

Minnesota Cooperative Announces Renewable Subscription Plan

Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric, a Minnesota cooperative, announced a plan to sell subscriptions to its members for electricity to be obtained from a 250-panel solar array to be constructed by Steele Waseca this spring.  Subscribers to the plan will receive a credit on their normal electric bill based on production from the solar panels.  To read more, click here....

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