Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Colorado Coop Begins Supplying Additional Solar Power

Poudre Valley Rural Electric Cooperative (Poudre) recently began supplying members with additional solar energy from two large solar plants. The plants, owned by Silicon Ranch Corporation, will supply power to Poudre’s members pursuant to an outputs contract. The two plants produce a combined 8 megawatts of power from 100,000 panels and will supply enough electricity to meet the needs...

Construction to Begin at Silicon Ranch Solar Energy Plant in Georgia

Construction on Silicon Ranch’s new 52 MWac solar energy plant is set to begin on February 1. Once completed, the plant will occupy approximately 450 acres, employ more than 200 workers and will harness enough solar energy to power the homes of approximately 8,500 of Green Power EMC’s members.

Vermont Coop Working with Major State Industry to Promote Electric Technology

Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEP), a Vermont cooperative with 35,000 members, including 400 maple syrup producers, has partnered with Dominion & Grim, a Canadian company, to promote to sugar makers a new electric evaporator called ECOVAP.  VEP will offer incentives for the sugar makers to switch to ECOVAP and, in turn, VEP will receive carbon credits for the program.

Georgia EMC Adds Solar Power Facility

Green Power EMC of Georgia (Green Power) has entered into a 25-year power purchase contract with Silicon Ranch Corporation (Silicon Ranch).  Under the contract Green Power will purchase the full output of a Silicon Ranch solar project located in Jeff Davis County, Georgia.  The Solar Project, which occupies 135 acres of land, contains 187,000 solar panels and is expected to produce...

Regulators Give Kentucky G&T Go-Ahead to Purchase Power Plant

Kentucky regulators have decided that East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. can purchase a gas-fired plant located in La Grange, Kentucky.  The plant includes three natural gas combustion turbines, each with a maximum output of 198 MWs.  The units are simple-cycle, meaning that there is no conversion of waste heat into steam to drive a secondary electric generator.

Arctic Alaska Has Received a Cold Weather Energy Storage System

Kotzebue Electric Association, an electric cooperative based in Kotzebue, Alaska, has installed a Saft Intensium Max+ 20M battery at its hybrid wind-diesel power system to provide cleaner, more reliable and less expensive power to Kotzebue whose annual average temperature is 22°F.

Arizona Corporation Commission Takes Incinerator Fight to State Supreme Court

A dispute between the Sierra Club and the Arizona Corporation Commission has reached the Supreme Court of Arizona.  The dispute hinges on state utility regulators’ decision to allow a utility to generate electricity from burning garbage and call it a “renewable resource.” That utility—Mohave Electric Cooperative—had put forward a proposal to meet part of its renewable energy mandate...

G&T Coop Set to Debut Major New Transmission Line

Basin Electric Power Cooperative is in the process of building an electric “super avenue” to help serve the Bakken formation.  Although the area is not growing as fast as it once was, it will still continue to see increases in demand for electric service.  The 340kv “super avenue” is a $350 million investment and will be critical to the ability of cooperatives to serve the Bakken in...

Integrated Test Center to be Located at Basin Electric’s Dry Creek Station

Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s (Basic Electric) Dry Fork Station near Gillette, WY will be home to the new Integrated Test Center (ITC).  The research at the ITC will lead to new opportunities in petrochemicals and other commercial uses for carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.  Mike Easley, Chairman of the Wyoming Infrastructure Authority, says: “We have a real...

Solar Shortages Threaten Cooperative Utility Projects

Shortages of solar panel equipment are expected in 2016, with lead times of up to six months for larger orders.  Dan Danley, contract technical liaison with NRECA’s Business and Technology Strategies unit, has been warning utilities to plan ahead to avoid solar project delays.  The projected shortages are the result of increased demand for solar equipment driven in part by a 30 percent...

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