Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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D.C. Cir. Approves EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation at Some Power Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) won a case before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir.) that will allow it to continue to regulate existing power plants for greenhouse gases if they are being regulated for other pollutants as well.  The Court also vacated portions of the EPA’s Tailoring Rule which attempted to address emissions of...

Appalachian Regional Commission Awards $500,000 Grant to Rural Electric Cooperative for Solar Project

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe recently announced the grant of $500,000 from the Appalachian Regional Commission ARC) to the BARC Electric Cooperative (BARCEC). The grant will help fund a new solar facility and learning center in rural Appalachia.  The facility will produce between 250 and 350 kilowatts of electricity—enough to provide power to approximately 60 residential...

NRECA Argues Against CEQ Greenhouse Gas Proposal

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) commented Tuesday on draft guidance submitted by the Whitehouse Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The draft guidance would require agencies to consider the effect of a proposed action on climate change.  NRECA argued that the proposed guidance would complicate compliance with the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which...

EPA Proposes Costly New Water Regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed new water regulations which would increase costs and require extensive permitting for power line construction and maintenance.  At a hearing on the proposed rules, Russ Biggica of the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association warned Congress that the rules would drive up costs for cooperatives, including the cost of renewable energy...

G&T Cooperative Adds Solar Production Facilities

Illinois G&T Prairie Power has announced plans to construct two new solar power facilities. Jay Bartlett, CEO of Prairie Power, stated that the G&T is building the facilities in response to its members’ interest in renewable energy sources. Once completed, all of its nearly 80,000 members will be able to sign up to purchase power from the solar projects. Please click here to...

Electric Cooperative Seeks to Reduce Credits Paid to Customers with Rooftop Solar Systems

“Net metering” is the process by which electric suppliers pay credits to customers with home photovoltaic systems that generate more power than the customer uses. An Arizona EMC, Trico Electric Cooperative, has asked the Arizona Corporation Commission to approve its proposal to lower the amount of these credits from 4.2 cents per kilowatt hour to 3.7 cents. Trico believes that the...

Arizona Electric Power Cooperative Regional Haze Plan Approved by EPA

Arizona Electric Power Cooperative (AEPCO) has become the first Arizona utility to settle out of court with the US Environmental Protection agency (EPA) regarding EPA’s regional haze rules.  AEPCO presented an alternative plan than the one initially required by EPA’s original rule, and the approved plan will come at less cost to AEPCO’s members.  To read more please click...

NRECA Urges EPA to Maintain Current Ozone Standard

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed additional restrictions on ozone standards.  The newer standards would be very costly to power plants, which might require owners to choose between implementing expensive emissions controls for coal and natural gas-fired units or shutting such units down.  Carol Whitman, senior environmental principal at the National Rural...

EPA Files Brief in Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Dispute

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently filed a brief in its ongoing suit against industry groups’ allegations of “overcontrol” of upwind states.  The D.C. Circuit will hear oral arguments on the suit’s remaining issues beginning February 25.  Please click here to read more.

EPA Clean Power Plan Raises Reliability Concerns, Says NERC

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has released its first assessment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan.  In its report NERC identified several reliability challenges posed by the proposed rule, including the need for significant infrastructure requirements and pipeline expansions to maintain reliability.  To read more please click...

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