Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Georgia Coop Shines in Solar Rankings

Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation placed second in the nation in the category of annual solar watts delivered per customer.  These rankings are compiled by the trade group Solar Electric Power Association.  Solar power did well in 2011, compared to 2010, and new solar capacity jumped 120 percent as utilities interconnected more than 62,500 photovoltaic systems.  Read...

Lawmakers Press for Details on EPA Proposal to Cap Emissions

On Thursday, Representatives Fred Upton and Ed Whitfield sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson asking a host of questions regarding the agency’s Carbon Pollution Standard for New Power Plants as well its plans for future regulations on utilities.  In March, the EPA released a proposal to set the country’s first-ever limits on greenhouse gas emissions from new...

Carbon Dioxide Rules Unlikely to Affect Coop Credit Quality

According to a report from Standard & Poor’s Research (S&P), the proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions from new coal plants are unlikely to affect the credit quality of electric cooperatives.  The EPA has proposed new emissions restrictions that will require modification at some coal-fired plants.  The S&P report...

House Committee Blocks Funding for Energy Department Plans for PMAs

On April 25, the House Appropriations Committee approved by voice vote an amendment to the fiscal 2013 Energy and Water spending bill that blocks funding for proposed changes that would affect power marketing administrations (PMAs) and their customers.  In testimony before the House Committee, NRECA CEO Glenn English raised concerns that the proposed plans would impose high costs on...

Colorado Coop Sues EPA Over New Emissions Standards

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. has filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new mercury and air-toxics emissions standards for coal-fired power plants.  The coop, Colorado’s second-largest power utility, serves some 1.5 million customers in Colorado, New Mexico,...

New Mexico Coop to Develop 1.5 MW Solar Field

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative recently broke ground on a project to build a 1.5-MW solar field, along with developer Standard Solar, in north-central New Mexico.  The coop plans to buy solar output from the new facility under a 25-year agreement.  When the solar field comes online, it is expected that every business and residence in that part of New Mexico will be entirely...

Potential Risks in Solar Interconnection Changes

In a filing before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association recently identified significant reliability and safety risks that could be caused by the proposed revised  procedures for interconnecting small solar generation with the grid.  NRECA requested that FERC reject the Solar Energy Industries Association’s request for...

EPA Regulations Threaten Coops

Emissions controls for coal-based generating units under current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rulemakings may cause significant financial and reliability challenges for electric coops, according to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).  Because of their small size, coops may not be considered priority customers by emissions control companies that supply...

Tri-State Subsidiary Buys Colorado Coal Mine

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the largest electric coop in Colorado, has placed its bets on coal as its primary generation source for years to come.  The coop’s subsidiary Western Fuels-Colorado LLC, a fuel supplier that delivers coal under contract to Tri-State’s plants, has purchased the Colowyo coal mine from Rio Tinto.  Tri-State cites the lower cost of coal as...

SWEPCO Turk Plant Permit Stay Lifted

AEP/Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO), the majority owner of the John W. Turk, Jr., Power Plant under construction near Fulton, Arkansas, won a legal victory that will allow it to complete the $2 billion project.  Environmental challenges to the coal-fired electrical generation plant resulted in a stay placed on the plant’s wastewater discharge permit.  The Arkansas Pollution...

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