Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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EPA Mercury Emissions Rule Blocked

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the EPA’s mercury and air toxins emissions rules which have been in effect since 2011.  In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that the EPA acted “unreasonably” by foregoing a cost analysis when regulating emissions under the Clean Air Act. Please click here for more information.

SEC Announces First Charges against Underwriters under MCDC Initiative

On June 18 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced enforcement actions against 36 municipal bond underwriters, the first enforcement actions against underwriters brought by the SEC under the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative (MCDC Initiative), which was announced in March 2014.  Click here to read more.

Cooperatives Seek Congressional Action on Coal Ash

Electric cooperatives are asking Congress to legislate on the issue of coal ash.  The call for Congressional action comes in light of an EPA rule, taking effect October 14, which coops believe will lead to duplicative and conflicting oversight at the federal and state levels.  Coops say they would rather Congress simply set minimum requirements and then allow the states to administer...

Dairyland Power Cooperative Inks New Hydro Agreement

Wisconsin-based Dairyland Power Cooperative has signed a power purchase agreement with Eagle Creek Renewable Energy LLC, the owner of a 10-megawatt facility located on the Mississippi River. The hydro facility was originally built in 1905 to power paper mill operations. To read more, please click here.

Kentucky Coop Building Solar Project at Fort Campbell

Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Tennessee Valley Authority to develop a 5 MW solar project at Fort Campbell.  The project will help the base meet a Department of Defense directive to procure 25 percent of the base’s energy from renewable sources by 2025.  Read more about the project here.

Arkansas Electric and Others Seek Intervention in Suit over Haze Abatement Plan

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March settled a suit with environmental group Sierra Club over an Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality haze plan required by federal law.  A coalition of companies, including Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. and Entergy Arkansas, has filed a motion to intervene in the suit that has already settled.  Click here for more.

Seminole Electric Will Be Only Remaining Minority Owner of Florida Nuclear Plant

Duke Energy Florida (Duke) is restructuring ownership of the Crystal River 3 Nuclear Power Plant to eliminate eight municipalities and municipal power providers as minority owners.  Duke and Seminole Electric Cooperative (Seminole Electric) will be the only owners, with Duke holding a 98.3 percent share and Seminole holding 1.7 percent.  Click here for more.

Texas Coop Announces $3 Million in Nonprofit Grants

Texas’s Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative has announced that it will donate $3 million to local non-profits over the next three years.  The “Bluebonnet Community Grants” program will make grants intended to fund community infrastructure projects and the operations of area nonprofits.  Click here for more.

Tri-State Enters Wind PPA with Iberdrola Renewables

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State), a wholesale power supplier owned by cooperatives and public power districts serving Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska and Wyoming, has entered into a 25 year agreement to purchase wind power from Iberdrola Renewables.  Tri-State will buy all the output from a 76 MW wind farm, the Twin Buttes II project.  Click here for...

EPA Deemed “Ultimate Authority” For Ozone NAAQS

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the “ultimate authority” to determine whether an area is in attainment with national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone.  Many industry and environmental groups, along with states and counties, were challenging nonattainment designations finalized by...

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