Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Coop Building Peaking Stations in North Dakota

Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric), with headquarters in Bismarck, North Dakota, is building two new 45-MW, natural gas-fired peaking stations to help meet the increased demand for electricity.  The Pioneer Generation Station, which is being built about 15 miles northwest of Williston, is scheduled for commercial operation in June.  The Lonesome Creek Station, which is...

Four Coops to Receive RUS Loans

Colorado-based Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association (Tri-State), Georgia-based Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation, Texas-based Rio Grande Electric Cooperative and Ohio-based Logan County Cooperative Power & Light Association will receive more than $126 million in loans from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for infrastructure upgrades, including $20...

Delaware Coop Announces Power Purchase from Landfill Gas Facility

Delaware Electric Cooperative recently signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with the Delaware Solid Waste Authority for 2 MW of power generated from a landfill in Sandtown.  The purchase is part of the coop’s long-term strategy of procuring a mix of energy sources at competitive prices.  Click here for the full story.

Colorado May Double Renewable Energy Goals for Rural Electric Coops

The Colorado House of Representatives has passed a bill which would increase the amount of renewable energy rural electric cooperatives in the state must use.  The mandate would require these cooperatives to get 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.  The bill also increased the amount that electric cooperatives can charge customers for the new power sources to...

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